Paper/Abstract Submission

Researchers, scholars and research students (MS and PhD) are invited to submitted their unpublished research papers (both original and review) or abstract in all areas of computing for consideration. All the accepted and presented research articles/abstracts will be published in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Technologies, Tools and Applications (ICTAPP-24).

  • Author(s) is/are encourage to submit the manuscript/abstract via email:
  • A cover letter must be submitted with the manuscript/abstract having all the details of the corresponding author and statement regarding the novelty of the research work. Moreover, a statement must be included that all authors have approved the manuscript for submission and declare no conflict of interest.
  • The submitted manuscript/abstract should not be previously published and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
  • Authors are required to make sure that the paper is ready for publication and has been proof-read thoroughly.
  • Submitted manuscripts/abstract must be written in English using the Template Provided.
  • All the manuscripts/abstract must be submitted in MS-Word format.